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Hastings 7714 Ground/Jumper Assembly Tester

Hastings 7714 Ground/Jumper Assembly Tester

Item #: 7714
with Standard Electrodes
Hastings Fiber Glass Products
  • This tester is designed to test in-service grounding and jumpering cable assemblies
  • Regular periodic use of the tester will ensure that the jumper assemblies perform as required for personnel safety
  • This unit is completely self-contained, portable and sets up in seconds
  • Any standard 120 volt grounded outlet will provide power to the tester
  • A reference chart is provided for No. 2 Str. Cu., 1/0 Str. Cu., 2/0 Str. Cu., and 4/0 Str. Cu. cables of specific length to determine the correct test values
  • The built in digital volt meter allows the operator to easily input the correct voltage specified on the reference chart for various sizes and lengths of cable
  • A digital readout ammeter is also built in and tells the operator if the assembly is in good working condition
  • Included is a 5/8" solid copper bar for attaching clamps
  • Maximum voltage output is limited to protect the operator
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: This tester does not test insulative value of jacketed cables