Locations/Sales Office Locator

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Saf-T-Gard International, Inc.’s corporate world headquarters is located at 205 Huehl Road Northbrook, IL 60062, an 80,000+ square-foot facility. We have specialized safety sales representatives to cover all 50 contiguous states from this location. Additionally, Saf-T-Gard has strategically-located warehouses in Sparks, Nevada and Hong Kong to ensure products are always available “just in time”.

As an importer and exporter, Saf-T-Gard also currently services more than 48 international countries, and we have manufacturing operations in China along with production facilities in Germany, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Need assistance from one of our qualified safety experts? Fill out the web form below, and your assigned safety specialist will contact you as soon as possible.