Dielectric Testing

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Voltgard® DC Retest Forms
Voltgard® AC Retest Forms

check out this video to learn even more about our dielectric testing services that are available to you!

OSHA workplace rules make the use of rubber insulating equipment mandatory, in order to protect workers from electrical shock and arc flash hazards on the job, even when the smallest potential of contact with low or high voltage exists. However, not all companies are compliant. These rubber goods must also be periodically tested, at either AC (alternating current) or DC (direct current) voltages depending on the application, to ensure the products maintain their integrity when exposed to a full range of voltages.
Saf-T-Gard is uniquely qualified to work with your facility and keep your employees safe while meeting all applicable industry standards with our Voltgard® Test Lab, the largest and independent NAIL4PET-accredited test lab for rubber insulating products in the United States. The Voltgard Test Lab provides full-service testing and recertification of rubber gloves, and for utilities and high-voltage contractors, we also test rubber insulating sleeves, blankets, line hose, covers, dielectric footwear, jumper cables, grounding sets, plastic guards, hot sticks, matting, hoods and insulating hand tools.

The Voltgard facility is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for the complete testing of these products, including washing, visual inspecting, and electrical testing – all to applicable ASTM standards.

Electrical testing is not just reserved for alternating current (AC) voltages. For maximum safety, it is important to understand the application for use and test the rubber insulating PPE as close as possible to that environment. While AC testing is applicable for general use, DC (direct current) testing is necessary for rubber insulating products in applications where there is exposure to DC, including (but not limited to) electric vehicles (EV), both fully electric and plug-in hybrid, renewable power generation (wind and solar particularly) and electrified mass tansit and transportation. Click here to learn more about Voltgard's DC testing services.

The Saf-T-Gard and Voltgard team has more than 100 combined years of safety expertise, focusing on industrial and electrical safety. Our team includes ASTM Voting Members, OSHA 30-hour trained safety professionals, Qualified Safety Sales Professionals (QSSP), and NFPA 70E trained safety professionals. The expertise and experience of our team can be an extension of your team when you partner with Saf-T-Gard on your company’s safety program.
The safety of your employees is our highest priority. Given the nature of storms, and the emergencies that they cause, we offer utilities and high-voltage contractors a 24 hour-a-day, 7 day-a-week hotline for emergency shipments of rubber insulating products and safety equipment, including PPE.
More than 30 years ago, Saf-T-Gard developed the industry’s first structured, professionally-managed rubber goods change-out program, known today as The Original Rubber Goods Change-Out Program®, by listening to customer requests and understanding customer and regulatory requirements. Ideal for utilities, electrical contractors, cable and telecom providers as well as any other large users of rubber insulting products, our Original Rubber Goods Change-Out Program ensures your tested materials are received within compliance deadlines, giving you and your workers the peace of mind to focus on the task at hand. This process includes the following steps:
  • Cleaning
  • Visual inspection
  • Electrical testing
  • Markings according to your company’s safety protocols
  • Shipment to your warehouse or jobsite when they are needed

Additionally, Saf-T-Gard has one of the largest new rubber goods inventories in the world and can immediately replace any goods not meeting applicable standards.

Click here to access the Voltgard® Rubber Insulating Products Testing Order Forms.