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GfG Instrumentation 8025-744 RAM 744 Wall Mount Respiratory Air Monitor

GfG Instrumentation 8025-744 RAM 744 Wall Mount Respiratory Air Monitor

Item #: 8025-744
25 CFM Wall Mount Filter Panel, Maximum of 2 Ports / Standard CO Sensor
GfG Instrumentation
  • The RAM 744 is the ideal monitor for portable applications and where space is limited
  • It is mounted with the filtration system, allowing for rapid response and eliminating the possibility of sample lines becoming blocked or crimped
  • The flow rate is fixed so there are no touchy flow meters to adjust
  • Calibration and maintenance are made simple with our innovative AutoCal® system that allows the CO sensor to be calibrated with a test gas connection and the flip of a switch
  • The alarm level is set to 10 ppm
  • The compact, portable “air case” encloses the three-stage 25 CFM filter panel with the RAM 744 CO monitor in a rugged carrying case*
  • All models have quick-connect inlets and outlets
  • Any GfG Instrumentation RAM instrument can be custom-configured to meet the needs of the end user’s exact specifications
  • Continuous in-line CO monitor with low maintenance, dependable, long-life electrochemical sensor
  • Three stage filtration for up to 8 users